Shelf Stable Meal Kits and Snacks for Kids

Kids Backpack Kits
Our goal with this shelf-stable meal kit is to provide a weekend's worth of food to children, which has a shelf-life of 6 months or longer. These meals are fully customizable to meet your organization's needs.
Afternoon Kids Snack Kits
Tasty and nutritious snacks to keep your children going all afternoon. We have many options to customize snack kits to meet the USDA reimbursement guidelines and your organization's needs.

Breakfast Meal Kits
Shelf Stable Breakfast Meal Kits are the perfect start to any child or senior's day! Ready to eat within seconds, the kits have a shelf life of up to 6 months and provide the nutritional balance to meet the requirements of reimbursable programs. These kits are customizable to meet your needs.